A novice and the world of corporate
The innate drive of a millennial youngster ,new to corporate is often to make an impact as an individual at the global level.
The trainee wishes to be a part of the bigger picture from day one. The result often leads to dissatisfaction and frustration.
The excitement of being a part of corporate, attending business meetings, wearing business formals, being a crucial part of important business decision dies soon when the mundane job routine sets in. The clock cycle of 9-5; soon kills the joys of becoming the business driven employee of the year.
The truth is like every good thing, being a part of the bigger picture or even being noticed or heard takes time. The pyramid view from the top takes into account the amount of hard-work, dedication, perseverance and determination of every young blood that steps into the corporate ladder. Their years of experience and people skills enable them to understand and reward the deserving candidates. However they don’t give away the rewards so easily. That’s where the problem kicks in.
The youth of today used to instant gratification just like double taps on Instagram or likes on Facebook, does not wait long enough to value the test of time and ordeals. They break down their work and outcomes into short term successes. They are impatient and hence switch jobs to climb up the ladder sooner than the previous generations.
Gone are the days when an employer would write an eulogy in the glorified retirement of an employee after decades of service. In today's fast changing world of business, youth is ready to leave their employer at the drop of a hat. They would rather join an organisation that gives them higher value in dollars rather than stick to an organisation where their talent and skills are yet to be discovered.
The organisations are hence in a dilemma on how to hire new talents and build a positive growth for the individual along with its business goals.
When a company builds up a new candidate in terms of company values, future business goals and even skill based training; they are skeptical about the near future. With the fad of switching jobs ; a company in today’s market needs to be ultra- prepared to lose a valuable resource. Thus loss in terms of skilled manpower is an inevitable situation. The question arises : what can a company do to retain valuable human resource ?
The need of the hour is to build leadership that inspires. It is the inadequacy of employee to upper hierarchy or even peer to peer interaction or engagement that leaves the employees isolated in their journey of corporate. Regular interactive sessions that focus on team bonding, emotional intelligence along with business development strategies should be a part of the office culture.
When an organisation supports an employee in their professional and personal growth with a promise of a rewarding and secure future, loyalty will speak for itself. Employees will not only stay but become brand ambassadors of their employer.
A sense of belonging, a chance to impact the bigger picture, a support group that helps the individual in case of management or diplomatic decision making crisis is all that an employee expects. Renumeration that compares closely to their counterparts in other companies globally or even locally also plays a crucial role in retention.
Every individual who is a part of the company when involved in the futuristic participation for the long term vision of the company feels empowered and responsible for the business growth of the company.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull employee. That is a fact.
Activities apart from work that may include stress management, soft skills, financial aids, hobby clubs or even fun groups built between like minded employees can help enhance a healthy professional environment that deters negative emotions that may arise in daily official communication.
The jovial youngsters just out of college need a hand to walk through the turmoil of corporate stress. The young minds are filled with enthusiasm and passion to create a lasting impression on the heads of the house. When they are suddenly exposed to extremely difficult decision making scenarios mixed into office politics, they fumble. They are forced to handle it solo. They fail and fall. They are yet new into official doldrums. They are unable to put forward their view points which they perceive as not being diplomatic or strategy enough.
The buzzwords and corporate lingo are easy to adapt. However what remains hidden is the extreme levels of perseverance and years of exposure to stressful managerial roles that shaped the leaders of the industry.
Youngsters feel out of place due to the thought that they are unable to cope up. The reality however is that they need quality mentor-ship and guidance during these phases of campus to corporate.
The novice bearers of the torch run directionless during the initial days if they are devoid of inspiration and motivation.
This is the time for the management to step in and up their game. They need to strengthen relationship with their younger counterparts and make them comfortable. They need to make them believe that they are the future of the business.
Only then can the young minds prosper enough to ruminate and innovate; which would in turn benefit the company and its long term profits. If the days of hiccups are quenched with apt training in socio- corporate scenarios; the young brains are well equipped to handle complex problems which may arise in the upcoming years of their individual careers.
Simulated scenarios and open dialogue sessions may also aid in conflict management.
The need for appreciation and acknowledgement from the boss too plays a poignant role in the employee's
self esteem. Regular conversations and feedback from immediate superiors can boost an employee's mental image of oneself. This helps the employee to feel like he or she is a part of the system.
Recent studies by Harvard business review also show that people who balance their lifestyle can perform better at work. Like it is said " Build a life and not just a career". Lifestyle and health care can play vital role in employee performance.
The same guy who used to be a basketball champ in college gets caught up in the 9-5 drama and starts ignoring his health. It's unbelievable how fitness levels are seen to deteriorate in just a decade of working compared to college. It is thus of utmost importance to maintain a balanced lifestyle that includes quality time for family, mental and physical fitness to stay motivated at work. After all health is wealth.
The journey from campus to corporate is not a cakewalk. Nevertheless it is milestone in one's life.
With a positive attitude and a never ending desire to learn and grow, the corporate world is a challenging platform to achieve, dream and succeed.