Is it okay to ditch your vaccine and depend on natural remedies?
Some people disregard the benefits of natural healing practices like Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Raw Diets, Home remedies and exercises of all kinds to name a few and solely rely on Allopathic medicine and clinical diagnosis for treatment of their diseases.
One needs to comprehend the stark difference between the two.
There are two types of illness that generally plague the human race.
Chronic diseases
Natural remedies have amazing effects on healing the human body and it’s scientifically proven. However it is to be clearly interpreted that these remedies provide a slow and gradual healing to the body. All natural healing techniques change the chemistry and biology of the human body over a very long period of time and hence they cure diseases which were built over a long period of time .
Infectious diseases
On the contrary infectious diseases, emergency medical interventions like that of a cardiac arrest or accident trauma revival depend on Allopathic western medicine. In such cases immediate clinical administration of doses, blood transfusion, surgery and other vital monitoring can mean life and death literally.
Medicines are modern day magic herbs that mankind has been bestowed with.
The feats of modern medical science are commendable in saving human lives in innumerable scenarios.
It is true though that even chronic degenerative diseases like Cardiovascular ailments, Diabetes, Obesity, Blood pressure can require immediate medical attention to save life, relieve a patient of discomfort, ease a symptom or even make moderate improvement in body vitals like blood pressure, oxygen levels, pulse rate etc for the wellbeing of the body.
Even when above is said one cannot deny that the human body is made of complex processes which includes physical, mental, environmental, intellectual and spirituals components. The food we eat, the air we breathe,the water we drink has immense impacts on our overall health.
Are genetic disorders a life sentence?
If one is caught by a disease , it is thus possible that is a result of lifestyle disorders.Some may argue that they have genetic disorders , which might be true in some cases but can also be avoidable in others. With research it is evident that the human genetic makeup responds to lifestyle and habits in a big way. The better someone’s lifestyle , the more good genes find expression. One can delay the onset and even reverse certain genetic diseases. The worse someone’s lifestyle the bad genes spring into action.
So to think that years degeneration of the body can be solved in a short span of time is foolish. The body takes time to undo the years of poor eating patterns , inadequate sleep routine and unhealthy lifestyle habits. If you are trying to heal your body try to adopt a few natural remedies too. It is possible it will not change your body or cure your diseases overnight but it will help you identify the root cause of the disease and eliminate it from the source rather than just it’s signs and symptoms.
Should you take the jabs or rely on magic herbs only?
Just like jabs are necessary for preventing adverse effects of covid, modern medical interventions and drugs are miraculously helping people gasping for breath. It is not just about living a natural life but also about preventing the transmission of COVID -19 from people to people and protecting health care workers and other vulnerable populations from getting infected by this monstrous disease.
Remember that allopathic medicinal treatments and modern science are helping save lives in the present day when oxygen deficiency is killing people due to impaired lung capacity. Life saving drugs are needed, they cannot be dismissed.
Globally there are millions of people who have become COVID long haulers. Seemingly healthy people are facing devastating effects of long term untreatable symptoms after recovery as well. Natural remedies like slow breathing practices and dietary changes are being adopted to heal their long term damages as well as doctors too are scrambling to understand the horrifying and multifold after effects of COVID -19.
One can improve lung capacity with breathing techniques but it might be ridiculous to make someone with 80% lung damage do complex breathing exercises. Similarly a clean diet and rigorous daily physical activity can act as a immunity booster overtime whereas it is not advisable to take tonics or adopt Yoga for example in life to cure a severely infected patient or substitute for treatment.
Although global research studies point to clear indicators that having added co-morbidities can increase the risk of death from COVID-19. It was also being observed that people who contracted severe case of coronavirus disease usually had other ailments and co-morbidities.
Worldwide health care infrastructure is down to shambles catering to lifestyle disorders and other preventable diseases. The pharmaceutical companies are sure saving lives but at the same time trillions of economic expenditures can be avoided if people adopt lifestyle changes to reduce risk of co-morbidities.
This is where preventive healthcare has a promising role to play.
Diet, Exercise and other natural ways of healing help the body to build immunity, prevent co-morbidities and also grows one's life expectancy.
Even though the nature of this virus is still under research one can expect that a human body that is fit will be able to give a good fight against a new foreign body better than a human body already fighting innumerable organ degenerative diseases.
Any natural ways of treatment cannot eliminate the need for vaccination as this virus is new for the human body and building antibodies will take a long time.
Natural healers who promote Ayurveda, Yoga, Meditation, Breathing techniques and other forms of healing are not trying to downplay the importance of the vaccine but to bring attention to the fact the Prevention is possible.
So don’t forget to take your vaccine, mask up,sanitize and maintain social distancing alongside building your health the natural way as Dutch philosopher;
Desiderius Erasmus rightly said "Prevention is better than cure".